Many businesses are recognizing the cost and carbon-saving benefits of renewable energy.
Whether you are a blue-chip company, public sector body, or SME you can benefit from fully funded solutions to reduce your carbon footprint and produce your own renewable energy.
PPAs allow a developer to design, finance, and install a Solar PV System on the client/business’s property.
In return the developer sells the generated energy back to the client at a lower rate, allowing businesses
Immediate savings on electricity bills
Zero upfront costs
Long-term contract: PPAs last approximately 25 years
Zero maintenance/ operational costs
Fully transferable – should your business move location, the PPA can be transferred to the new occupants
Reduced tax burden – with a PPA project tax increases are applied to the developer and not the business itself.
After the agreement ends, the system is transferred to the business for you to enjoy free solar PV for another 10 years.
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